Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Religion does a lot of bad stuff

In the following YouTube video, Penn (yes from Penn and Teller) who happens to be an Atheist speaks of how religion does a lot of "bad stuff" but how this one fellow that handed him a Bible was such "a good man". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JHS8adO3hM This story illustrates how the most effective way to share God's love sometimes can just be by being "good" and just plain loving on people.   Penn also comments that if you really believed that faith in God was required for eternal salvation but didn't tell anybody about it then that would be like seeing a truck barrelling down the street at someone and not telling them to move out of the way.  If you really loved someone, wouldn't you want to save them?  But again - we shouldn't proselytize - relationships trump vision so we should always focus on the relationship - and leave the "conversion" to God.  Otherwise we may be doing more harm then good...but when those times happen we must remember to focus on the message on not the messenger - after all - if somebody in a Ford truck hit you, would you sue Ford or the driver?

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