Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Personal Relationship

One of the big questions I asked when first coming to NewSong was "What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God?" I have learned over the years that although I may have always "believed" in the Christian God - it was never truly "my belief". Because I was born and raised in the church - the Lutheran Church to be precise - it was easy for me to just kind of "go with it". It was my parents church, most of my friend's church, where I went to school, etc. Coming to college and moving away from all of that lead me to really "make it my own". This road lead to some doubt and questioning but in the end has lead me to really grow spiritually - embracing the faith that not only my parents hold dear - but more importantly really living it out among a new much more secular community of roommates, friends, and coworkers.

Life is Good

So I've recently discovered my new favorite brand of apparel - yes it is silly, but the guy's name is Jake. He also has a dog named Rocket - and yes I also want a dog and to name him rocket. I grew up with an Aussie Shepard  (Cory) and my buddy Edgar dog sits for this amazing Aussie named Alta so you can guess what kind of dog I'm getting...Anyways, here's one of the prints (on right) - you can check out the rest of their stuff here: http://www.lifeisgood.com/

The other Jake

I am teaching myself to play guitar and using thing guy for inspiration.  Yes, he is playing a ukelele but who knows even that could come some day...

Because of this man, I am going to learn the guitar & then the ukelele so I can be cool too :)
