Thursday, September 25, 2008


It was hard.  I'll admit it.  Here I am, pulling up to the stoplight and there he is.  Adam - well I didn't know his name yet, but God knew.  God knew that I would take that particular path to get to dinner that night.  God knew that I would be out of granola bars.  Sometimes I think God had more to do with it then just "knowing" - but anyways.  So there I am, debating in my head whether to roll my windows up, lock the doors, and speed off - stick my head out and ask the dude if he was hungry.  I don't know if this is the right excuse for what I did but "God made me do it" :) 
So I get us a 5-pack of chili dogs (with onions - yum) and am definately a little out of my element sitting down with the guy.  Before I can even ask to pray for the meal he folds his hands, bows his head, and we say a common table prayer together along with a prayer for his healing as it was obvious he had injured himself recently wearing a neck brace and all.  And then the story.  It all comes out, from girlfriend problems, to how hard it is to get a place to stay because places won't take him in with his injury, to how he hurt himself falling on the bus - he had a bad leg and the bus driver started going before he was seated :(
I ask all you readers to please help me in praying for healing for Adam.
I pray that I see him again, and that when I do he is better and that I can bless him with something a little healthier then chili dogs :)
The oppurtunities to help are there, all around us, it is really on us to take the oppurtunity.  Remember - it is not all about great things, but rather small things with great love.