Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Faith then Facts?

So I was one of many that was brought up in a Christian home, going to church/sunday school every week, as it was just part of the "tradition".  As I've mentioned before - it wasn't till I actually came to college and found Newsong church that I really felt my faith had been "activated" and that I could start really living it out.  It wasn't just "my momma's church" as Dave G. always said.  As I walk now with a good friend that found himself coming from a similar background with the church - unfortunately instead of being "activated", he found himself "de-activated" - some reasons could include "pushy" even "decieptful" evangilistic techniques that were used on him on campus during college.  Being the engineer that he is - he is taking a very logical, systematic approach now to resolving some of the doubts and questions that he has not only about Christianity but Faith and Religion in general.  So I come across Lee Strobel's books "The Case for Christ" and "The Case for Faith" - hoping they might provide some of the answers to his questions - and I found myself asking the question - how should we come to believe in God?  Faith first? - that would be like the faith of little child - which although great - allows much room for doubt and questions to arise.  Whereas - if we are to do it like my friend (and Lee Strobel!) then we would find ourselves building a foundation of truth - to build and activate our faith upon - so that we might also be able to answer those hard questions as well.  I'm sure there is no right way - Faith first or Facts first - but whichever route you take - I think it is definitely important to build both as strong as possible.

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