Monday, February 09, 2009

Love your enemies

Last night we had quite an experiance with Naomi and Janet.  Much to their dismay they recently got their bikes stolen.  The bikes were actually given to them by one of our core members Steve.  We formed a circle and prayed together.  Steve prayed an amazing prayer that whomever now has the bikes has a greater need than Naomi and Janet - and that God bless them.  Very powerful.  As much anger as they might have had for the theives - that just shows how we must love even our enemies.  They were also both torn up over the fact that they had also just within the past week lost their church.  Apparantly somebody at the church told them that they were not welcome, I hope and pray that this was a miscommunication and that Janet and Naomi can find another church soon.  


gnarlydog said...

not an expert here, but isn't it that in a TRUE Church all are welcome? hmmm...

Jacob Miller said...

Very true - that's why it was such a surprise - and I do hope that it was just a miscommunication. All should be welcome at any church but the reality is that unfortunately some "church families" may not be as welcoming to all the various people groups as they should be!