Saturday, August 01, 2009
So I finally gave in and got another Aussie. I grew up with a blue merle - Cory - and have always wanted another. I've been inspired by the black tri's Alta and Maverick that are both great biking, snow, and frisbee dogs and wanted one of my own. After watching a dog-
surfing competition 3 weeks ago today Jeana, Edgar, Missy and I went to Heartfire Farms where we met Rockit and a few of his littermates. I wasn't actually planning to buy one that day but when I saw him it was over. Jeana almost bought his sister! Rockit turned 11 weeks yesterday - I can't wait till all his vaccinations are done (18 weeks) so that I can bring him to Dog Beach! He's super cute but a lot of work too - the first week or so he wouldn't sleep all the way through the night (small bladder) and is still not completely potty trained.
Since last time...
Stanford - the road trips begin :) Rolled up to Stanford with Jeana, Jen, Steve, and Shelly to watch Jen and Shelly's bro Brandon race track.
Sea Otter - riding in Demo Forrest in Santa Cruz crashed hard off
Downieville - 9 hour haul up past Sacramento - so worth it though - trail ranks up there with goose. Best downhill ever. First time shuttling a trail.
Ironman - West coast tour. 10 states: CA, NV, AZ, UT, MT, WY, ID, WA, SD, ND. 4 National Parks: Tetons and Yellowstone (see pic on right) thanks Jeana for a great birthday!), Mt. Rushmore, Devil's Tower. 5,000 miles. 5 bikes. 15 mpg. Jeana and friend Drew finished their first full (140.6) Ironman in Couer d'Alene, Idaho - she claimed afterwards that she'd never do another one (of that distance) but I don't believe her :) Got to meet "dad" in Missoula and Mom's mom and 4 sisters near Aberdeen, SD.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tom Mendoza Leadership Video
Tom Mendoza is executive staff at NetApp - which happens to be my company's (EMC) biggest competitor. In this 50 minute video ( he discusses how to be an effective leader. I like in his closing thoughts how if we find something that we are passionate about the money will come. He also mentions that it is not about the money or the position, but what we use that position to do. I see this relating to how with God's many blessings that He gives us - it is ultimately about how we use them for His glory.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Religion does a lot of bad stuff
In the following YouTube video, Penn (yes from Penn and Teller) who happens to be an Atheist speaks of how religion does a lot of "bad stuff" but how this one fellow that handed him a Bible was such "a good man". This story illustrates how the most effective way to share God's love sometimes can just be by being "good" and just plain loving on people. Penn also comments that if you really believed that faith in God was required for eternal salvation but didn't tell anybody about it then that would be like seeing a truck barrelling down the street at someone and not telling them to move out of the way. If you really loved someone, wouldn't you want to save them? But again - we shouldn't proselytize - relationships trump vision so we should always focus on the relationship - and leave the "conversion" to God. Otherwise we may be doing more harm then good...but when those times happen we must remember to focus on the message on not the messenger - after all - if somebody in a Ford truck hit you, would you sue Ford or the driver?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Faith then Facts?
So I was one of many that was brought up in a Christian home, going to church/sunday school every week, as it was just part of the "tradition". As I've mentioned before - it wasn't till I actually came to college and found Newsong church that I really felt my faith had been "activated" and that I could start really living it out. It wasn't just "my momma's church" as Dave G. always said. As I walk now with a good friend that found himself coming from a similar background with the church - unfortunately instead of being "activated", he found himself "de-activated" - some reasons could include "pushy" even "decieptful" evangilistic techniques that were used on him on campus during college. Being the engineer that he is - he is taking a very logical, systematic approach now to resolving some of the doubts and questions that he has not only about Christianity but Faith and Religion in general. So I come across Lee Strobel's books "The Case for Christ" and "The Case for Faith" - hoping they might provide some of the answers to his questions - and I found myself asking the question - how should we come to believe in God? Faith first? - that would be like the faith of little child - which although great - allows much room for doubt and questions to arise. Whereas - if we are to do it like my friend (and Lee Strobel!) then we would find ourselves building a foundation of truth - to build and activate our faith upon - so that we might also be able to answer those hard questions as well. I'm sure there is no right way - Faith first or Facts first - but whichever route you take - I think it is definitely important to build both as strong as possible.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
When you are around someone for long enough - for instance in a marriage - you know what the other person wants and needs - essentially you know their "will". One way I feel that we can get to know God's will is through prayer - just spending time with Him - getting to know Him. Again the relationship should come first.
Currently I am trying to be more intentional about getting back into the habit of praying first thing in the morning before all of the interruptions of work and everything else come into play. Then also as the last thing before I go to bed. Whether being "still" with God or going out for a "prayer walk" I have definitely noticed God speaking to me. I tend to think that God always speaks to us - it is just up to us to listen.
So a few days ago I heard from the living room what sounded like a balloon popping. I didn't think too much of it but when I got my road bike down this morning to go for a spin I saw that it was indeed my rear tire that went kablooey (I don't even know why!). I only had one spare so I figured it wouldn't be good to ride without a spare tube (note to self always have and carry at least 2 spare tubes). So I decided to just pump up the Chumba and roll out on that. It was nice getting to hit some of the trails in Talbert park off the side of the bike path because I usually can't hit the dirt since I'm on the road bike so I tried to look on the bright side of things in that way. Then as I was on route home coming back onto Warner off the bike path I went off a curb and I heard a pop and saw a bunch of bolts flying in the air. Gulp. Looking down I notice that the bolt holding the front of the rear shock to the frame busted and with the force of the shock it busted the frame mounts also (see picture above). Wow. Of all the rides - no big air - no crazy downhill - just - a curb. JRA - Just Riding Along. Crazy. Anyways, so then again looking on the bright side I figure it's probably best that it didn't happen on some trail ride (like Noble that we are doing this weekend!) where I wouldn't be able to ride out. So I rode the rest of the way home without sitting, in hopes that I wouldn't bust it up anymore - man that's a good arm workout! Turns out it would cost probably about as much to fix as a new frame will be so I think it's time to say goodbye Mamba and hello XCL.
Relationships Trump Vision
Somebody asked me last week at the Burrito Project booth at the Justice N.O.W. event at Newsong if we were doing anything to get these people off the street - essentially asking if we had a "holistic" approach. After speaking with Ted, we decided that was not our purpose. At least for now our focus is on building relationships with these people and praying with and for them. Relationships should come first - vision will come naturally.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Love your enemies
Last night we had quite an experiance with Naomi and Janet. Much to their dismay they recently got their bikes stolen. The bikes were actually given to them by one of our core members Steve. We formed a circle and prayed together. Steve prayed an amazing prayer that whomever now has the bikes has a greater need than Naomi and Janet - and that God bless them. Very powerful. As much anger as they might have had for the theives - that just shows how we must love even our enemies. They were also both torn up over the fact that they had also just within the past week lost their church. Apparantly somebody at the church told them that they were not welcome, I hope and pray that this was a miscommunication and that Janet and Naomi can find another church soon.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Burrito Project
I had the oppurtunity to represent the burrito project at Newsong last Friday at a Justice NOW night where they had worship given by both Newsong's and Rock Harbor's worship team - they opened up a section for dancing and boy the party was hopping (literally!). If you'd like more info feel free to check out our pod site on the Newsong community page here:
Basically we make some simple bean and rice burritos and deliver them to the homeless in some of the local parks in Fullerton. We also deliver water, snacks, clothes, hygeine items, and other stuff that gets donated. That is high level. On top of providing the daily necessities, our mission is to form relationships with these people and pray for them and with them, the most powerful gift we can give them.
We just represent the unofficial Fullerton group - you can find more info for the (also unofficial) national group here:
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